On Fri, 7 Nov 2003, Henrik Nordstrom wrote:

> On Fri, 7 Nov 2003, Souchon Yann wrote:
> > Apache with mod_proxy can make this very simply.
> So can Squid-2.5 and later.
> > But I have a problem, that Apache can't help me.
> >
> > The links on the HTML pages (WEB SERVER) are not relatives, but full.
> Ouch.. for this (without touching the application or web server) you need
> a content rewriting proxy. Squid is not such.

Apache using mod_rewrite would be the answer.  The <VirtualHost ...:80>
would need to have a redirect to 443.  The problem will be the annoying
notices about leaving or entering a protected site.

A possibility is to rewrite the original request to go to a second, internal
virtual host on your DMZ system.  This host uses PHP to retrieve the content
from the internal system and replaces all occurrances of http: to https: and
returns the content to the original virtual host that returns it to the
external client.

Merton Campbell Crockett

BEGIN:                          vcard
VERSION:                        3.0
FN:                             Merton Campbell Crockett
ORG:                            General Dynamics Advanced Information Systems;
                                Intelligence and Exploitation Systems
N:                              Crockett;Merton;Campbell
EMAIL;TYPE=internet:            [EMAIL PROTECTED]
TEL;TYPE=work,voice,msg,pref:   +1(805)497-5045
TEL;TYPE=fax,work:              +1(805)497-5050
TEL;TYPE=cell,voice,msg:        +1(805)377-6762
END:                            vcard

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