Hi there,

finally I got samba 2.2.8a running.

wbinfo -t -> secret is good
wbinfo -g -> shows all groups
wbinfo -u -> shows all users
wbinfo -a -> succeeded with both messages!
wb_auth -d -> returns OK!
wb_group -d -> returns OK!

But if I gonna start squid now, it crashes after about 10 sec (?). I use 
squid-2.5.Stable3.tar.gz. I configured the squid.conf.
I start it /usr/local/squid/sbin/squid start. and if I check with ps -ae | grep squid 
it shows that squid is running. If I check
seconds later squid is dead!
But it doesn't show any error message. What did I do wrong?
Can someone please help me?

Thanks in advance!


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