On Wed, 2003-11-12 at 03:08, Ounsted, Toby wrote:
> Jeff - I'm seeing exactly this with Squid on Win32 - no obvious solutions.
> However Guido asked me to try and replicate on a Linux box to see if it was
> a Win32 specific issue.  I'm in the process of putting this together but
> you've essentially answered the question.
> Guido - thank you for all of your work.  Maybe it's more squid general and
> not just W32?
> Jeff - Questions: 
> Are you using NTLM??
> Are there any specific web sites that are worse than others?
> What is the frequency?
> Do you see this with other versions of IE?

does netstat -n show any connections to the web cache?
Does squid's access.log show any requests to the cache after the problem
occurs, before the browser is exited?

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