On Sun, 2003-11-16 at 11:00, Matthew Richards wrote:
> Hello Squid Users,
> I wish to configure Squid so that it challenges users for authentication, first with 
> NTLM and if the user agent does not support that then offer BASIC. I am currently 
> experimenting with Samba 3 and the winbind authenticator. 
> Can anyone please tell me if there is another way to configure squid to first try 
> NTLM auth then fall back to BASIC?

You cannot. You can configure squid to offer both NTLM and basuc, but it
is up to the users browser to choose which to use.

See squid.conf.default for the example config which will do all three
supported protocols,
See rfc 2617 for details on the HTTP authentication mechanism, including
the manner in which clients are meant to choose the authentication

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