I want to get an external ACL via squid_ldap_group.

But I can not select an uniqueMember out of a Group. Whre is my error ?

This is the LDAP Group 

# internetzugriff, Groups, floersheim.myfirm.de
dn: cn=internetzugriff,ou=Groups,dc=floersheim,dc=myfirm,dc=de
objectClass: top
objectClass: posixGroup
objectClass: univentionGroup
cn: internetzugriff
gidNumber: 7789
uniqueMember: uid=rma,ou=People,dc=floersheim,dc=myfirm,dc=de
uniqueMember: uid=test,ou=People,dc=floersheim,dc=myfirm,dc=de

The query in the squid _ldap_group is 

squid_ldap_group -b "ou=Groups,dc=floersheim,dc=myfirm,dc=de" -f
"(&(objectClass=univentionGroup)(cn=internet*)(uniqueMember=uid=%u))" -h

In the question I just want to select a "uid" out of the group. In the
Commandline I send 

test internetzugriff 

to the LDAP, but I just get ERR as an answer.

Roland Maurer

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