I'm having the same issue here too, which I first noticed yesterday.  It
looks like https://v4.windowsupdate.microsoft.com/ works though.  I assume
that because Squid just relays SSL traffic, whatever causes the non-secure
site to break is not affected.

Any ideas on a permanent fix or workaround would be appreciated, though!


-----Original Message-----
From: Palmer J.D.F. [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Wednesday, December 03, 2003 7:19 AM
Subject: [squid-users] Squid and Windows Update.


I'm having a bit of an issue with Squid and Windows Update.
In the last day or so we have noticed machines on campus failing to get
their WUs.

All goes well until I click the "scan for updates" link and then I get an
error, the M$ error is the seemingly infamous '0x800a138F' error.

Many pages from the search below blame the new hosting arrangements that M$
have with Akamai, stating that Akamai are also a host for many ad banners so
are often blocked by admin's.

However we don't appear to have any rules in our squid.conf that block
access to that site, neither when I log the requests from my test machine
does it deny access to any of the requests; Anyway on further investigation
I have retrieved another M$ error code from the WU Log file on the client
PC, this is '0x800C0002' which according to M$ is "Invalid URL".

I only get this problem going through the squid boxes.

Another twist to this is that if I turn the cache settings off in IE do a WU
scan which succeeds and then turn the cache settings back on it works fine
thereafter. However it is not possible for us to turn the cache setting off
all the machines here, even if it were we'd have to open up the firewall to
allow port 80 access for all machines rather than just the WWW and a select
few admin machines.

Is this a known bug with squid?

Many thanks,
Jezz Palmer.

Jezz Palmer.
Internet Systems Officer.
Library and Information Services
University of Wales, Swansea
Singleton Park

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