Duane W.
Buy my book: http://squidbook.org/

On Wed, 10 Dec 2003, fire-eyes wrote:

> Hello, I'd first off like to thank the squid team for a fantastic
> product. Keep up the excellent work.
> Now I'd like to present the problem I have run into. I have hit google
> for this one, and found close matches, but never squid complaining about
> NEGATIVE numbers. It is not a typeo. This is what shows up in my logs:
> WARNING: Disk space over limit: -755964 KB > 817152 KB
> This happens every few seconds.
> At the same time this started yesterday, I found that squid is using
> 399MB of memory. It used to take approximately 20.
> I can still use the proxy, although it is very sluggish.
> The version of squid I am using is 2.5.4.
> I set squid up the first time around many months ago, and have only made
> minor modifications to squid.conf, the last of which was October 15th.
> Any input and ideas would be much appreciated.

Looks like the metadata has a corrupt entry such that Squid thinks
there is some really huge object in the cache.

If you haven't shutdown and restarted Squid recently, try that first.

If that doesn't work, then (1) shut down Squid, (2) remove the swap.state files
in each cache_dir, and (3) restart Squid.  This will rebuild the metadata from the
disk files and it should pick up the correct size for each file in the cache.

Duane W.

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