On Thu, 11 Dec 2003, Rami Jaamour wrote:

> I am running Squid on port 80, proxing to Apache httpd on 81, following 
> the FAQs.  I could use a redirector successfully to redirect from one 
> URL to another on the same host and port, however, I'd like Squid and/or 
> it's redirector to be able to route requests based on URL (ideally) or 
> at least based on the sub domain name to a specific port on the same 
> local machine it is running on.

The redirector is free to do whatever you please as long as you do not 
enable httpd_accel_single_host.

Via the redirector interface you can divide the URL space of a single
domain (or multiple, your choice) in any way you please among different
web servers, while at the same time applying any transformations of the
URL-path you may need.  You can for example send all requests for .jpg
images to one server, requests for .nfs files to another (Notes) server,
move things around if needed, etc etc.

When you are not using httpd_accel_single_host then the reverse-proxying 
process is rougly

  1. Read the request and reconstruct a full URL based on httpd_accel_host 
and httpd_accel_uses_host_header settings.

  2. http_access access controls

  3. Send the request to the redirector

  4. Fetch the URL as returned by the redirector.


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