On Fri, 19 Dec 2003, David O wrote:

> I am trying to help someone setup his PIX firewall to use Squid.  Problem is 
> he doesn't know how to configure the PIX and I don't have one to even try to 
> figure it out, but this seems like a very basic task for a firewall.

If the PIX supports WCCP this is most likely the easiest approach. And no 
it is not a very basic task, there is very complex issues involved in 
intercepting traffic.

If you can I would instead recommend blocking direct access to port 80 and 
have the browsers reconfigured to use the proxy. If it is a local lan then 
using domain login scripts etc can automate the process. WPAD also helps.

> All I need is a basic port forward command to direct 80, 8080 and 443 
> traffic to the squid box.

443 you can't without having the browser configured to use the proxy.

> Setup: PIX 520 Squid 2.5 Stable1, behind the firewall.

You really should upgrade that Squid while looking at it.


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