On Thu, 29 Jan 2004 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

> The servers are DL 380, 1Gb Ram, with two 18Gb disks (raid1) for the
> O.S, one 18Gb disk for the log, and two 18Gb disks for the cache
> (/cache1 and /cache2).

I would merge the logs onto the OS raid, to gain one cache drive to have 
three cache drives.

> What do you think of my cache _dir tuning (aufs ?, L1 value,...)

Your L1 is a little on the high end, but main drawback from a too high L1 
is that it takes long to run "squid -z".

> Should I let the cache_mem to the default value ?


> Should I let the cache_swap parameters to the default values ?

There is not really any reason to change these in the current Squid 
releases other than to make it easier to calculate the actual cache size.

In earlier releases there was a benefit of making the high/low watermark
gap small on larger caches to avoid large burst of cache maintenance when
hitting the high water mark, but this is no longer needed as the cache is
continously maintained, but at the same time does not hurt either.


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