On Wed, 11 Feb 2004 16:02:16 +0200, Andriy Korud wrote:

> Hi,
> I wonder if Squid can handle load on single machine (with traffic approx
> 15Mbps)? If anybody achieved that, can you please share on which
> OS/hardware that was done?
> I have Xeon 2.8/1G RAM, 2x15k SCSI disks dedicated for chache (OS will be
> Linux or FreeBSD) - so, what can I expect from Squid on such hardware?

At least 400/s i'd say. Depends on your disk cache size and disk i/o.
Benchmarking a small pentium 3 for a single small html file does ~900
requests per second here, same machine in production does ~120 / second at
around 30% cpu.

Gabriel Wicke

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