On Fri, 13 Feb 2004, Kent, Mr. John (Contractor) wrote:

> Greetings,
> Setting up Squid3.0 as an accelerator that needs to handle SSL.
> As you recommended Henrik:
> Un-encrypted my key.  Modified key and cert permissions.
> No longer get FATAL: Bungled squid.conf error. ! Good.
> For testing running Squid on port 9999
> That works fine.
> But when I attempt to access   https://.......:9999
> I get nothing.
> The cache log shows:
> 2004/02/13 10:36:37| clientProcessRequest: Invalid Request
> 2004/02/13 10:36:46| parseHttpRequest: Requestheader contains NULL characters
> 2004/02/13 10:36:46| clientParseRequestMethod: Unsupported method 'L'           
> <----Bad!
> 2004/02/13 10:36:46| clientProcessRequest: Invalid Request

Did you put 'http_port 9999' or 'https_port 9999'?

Duane W.

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