Hy all! I have an ordinary transparent squid proxy defined on my gateway, wich 
operates correctly. An other transparent proxy has been set up on the other 
part of the network, wich has the proxy on the gateway as a parent defined.
cache_peer parentproxy.net 3113 3030
No other options (like proxy-only) defined.
OS is a Linux woody, squid is beta3 from 17th january.
Interesting, the proxy wich has the parent defined do not save anything in it's 
cache, although it seems operating correctly, so there are FIRST_PARENT_MISSes 
and other lines in the log, indicating the data has been sent through. My 
firewall is operating correctly, by redirecting packages from port 80 to my 
proxy port 3113. When the child proxy is going direct (on queries containing ? 
or cgi-bin) it is accessing the port 80 of the parent proxy, wich is 
transparent, so redirects the query again. Has anyone idea why the child proxy 
is not saving anything on the disk?


Thomas Elias
Tel.: +3630/3299315
ICQ UIN: 206-714-459


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Thomas Elias
Tel.: +3630/3299315
ICQ UIN: 206-714-459


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