On Fri, 20 Feb 2004, Scott Phalen wrote:

> I understand that there are other processes that will run just from turning
> on the server.  I am using "TOP" to verify RAM utilization.  When squid
> isn't running there is not more than 200MB of RAM used.  I turn on squid and
> within 6 hours I am at the point you see in "TOP" below:
> 12:47pm  up  6:06,  4 users,  load average: 0.21, 0.23, 0.18
> 49 processes: 46 sleeping, 3 running, 0 zombie, 0 stopped
> CPU states:  5.6% user, 11.4% system,  0.0% nice, 83.0% idle
> Mem:  2059416K av, 1798476K used,  260940K free,     292K shrd,  136604K
> buff
> Swap: 2096400K av,       0K used, 2096400K free                 1392716K
> cached
>  2886 nobody    15   0  153M 153M  1684 R    14.9  7.6  22:11 squid
> Keep in mind I am a novice linux guy.  If I am reading top wrong then my
> bad.  I don't know what the "buff" and "cached" mean to the far right.
> Maybe that is where my issue is.  Or maybe I have a memory leak.  I have no
> clue how to check for that.  I am using the latest stable version of squid,
> I read there were memory leak issues in previous posts, do I need to patch
> this version of squid?

You do not have a memory leak.  Squid's process size is only 153M, as shown
in the SIZE and RSS columns.  The other memory is being used by your operating
system and/or other processes.

Duane W.

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