'Invalid credentials' means that your binddn or your password is wrong
(probably your bind dn).
I also remember that I had some trouble with OU names with spaces inside
(you have on OU called 'active directory') as inside squid.conf, you can
not use some quotes around the different arguments

Stéphane Davy - Consultant Alcôve

                      "Matthias Berg"                                                  
                      <[EMAIL PROTECTED]    Pour :   [EMAIL PROTECTED]                 
                      >                         cc :                                   
                                                Objet :  [squid-users] 
SQUID_LDAP_GROUP with ACTIVE DIRECTORY                                   
                      25/03/2004 12:26                                                 


I would like to authentify squid internet users with Active Directory

I want to do this:

Create a group GG-HTTP-WEB (to allow Internet access) on my Active
and add users from different OU.

The users are in the Group GG-HTTP-WEB, are allowed to use Internet.

What is the right Syntax of squid_ldap_group

I tried many combinations but I have not success.

An example of my squid_ldap_group:

squid_ldap_group -b "cn=GG-WEB-HTTP,ou=Active
Directory,ou=Sicherheitsgruppen,ou=BAUR,dc=bboffice,dc=baur,dc=test" -D
Konten,ou=BAUR,dc=bboffice,dc=baur,dc=test" -w PASSWORD -f
"(&(cn=%u)(member=uid=%g,*)(objectClass=groupOfNames))" -h
-p 389


Test02 password

squid_ldap_group WARNING, could not bind to binddn 'Invalid credentials'


The Group is in:

Dc=      Bboffice.baur.test

Ou=      BAUR

Ou=      Sicherheitsgruppen


Ou=      Active Directory


CN=     GG-WEB-http

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