
I have a network and im trying to do transparent web-cache with Squid, but my
network is too complex and i prefer not to edit settings so i think a bridge is
adecuated. My network is
     * <--- Squid here 
  | switch |
    | | |  \
    | | |   \
  (clients)  (wireless clients)

The squid box will be 

     |eth1 to router
  | SQUID  |
     |eth0 to switch


1) Every client is using Real IP address 200.x.x.x
2) My router is 200.x.x.1
3) Squid is supposed to use 200.x.x.11


4) Squid machine will capture www traffic and redirect
   it to itself so it can do web-cache
5) All other traffic should pass unaffected, because
   clients could have their own Webservers, ssh servers, etc.

I searched google and found the way to do it with a bridge
A bridge fowards everything and acomplishes Objetive 5)


I cant find the way to capture www traffic, i use iptables but
the access.log file in Squid log is always empty, so squid is not 
receiving anything.

Is there a second way to do this without using a bridge?
why iptables isnt working?

I found this

but it doesnt say how to solve the problem. 
If there is a second way to solve this i would like to hear about that...

Thanks in advance!

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