Hi everyone,

Sorry if this is a newbye question but I haven't yet find an answer to my

I would like to setup a reverse proxy that authenticates my users from the
Internet. The backend server requires also its own authentication.

Of course, both login/password are differents.

Is it possible ? If yes, would you mind sharing your idea because for now,
I'm failing (despite I think I have already set everything fine :
authentication works on squid and on backend server, reverse proxy works...)

I have seen this working with some sort of Firewall, but I would like to do
it with a real HTTP (Reverse-)Proxy server.

Thanks in advance, for any answer.

Sincerely yours, Mathieu MILLET.

PS : I also try with Apache, but I get the same result. (Caching isn't
important since merely all the content is dynamic or private).

Mathieu MILLET

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