> Hey Guys,
> I'm having the following problem here. I want to install a proxy server
> for my users.
> All users have public ip adresses, so there is no NAT involved here.
> The user must be able to choose if he wants to use the proxy server or not
> (by adding it to his internet explorer or whatever), so he has to be able
> to surf with AND without the proxy server.
> So far this all worked for me, but here is the catch. Whenever the use
> decides to server with the proxy server enable, he surfs to all pages with
> the ip of the proxy server, instead of his own ip.
> How can I config squid so that the user visits pages with his own ip
> instead of the proxy's ip when he has the proxy enabled in his browser.
> Because letting users surf with a hidden ip is begging for abuse ;)
> Thanks a lot
> Daan

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