On Mon, 26 Apr 2004, Nick wrote:

> I have squid setup as a reverse proxy and am trying to get one page excluded from 
> cache.  I thought I could do this with url_regex or urlpath_regex.  Is my syntax 
> wrong because the page still gets cached?  How do I get one URL excluded?  2 
> examples of the URLs that would be excluded are 
> http://test.test.com/classifieds-bin/classifieds?temp_type=detail&tl=2&classification=employment
> and
> http://test.test.com/classifieds-bin/classifieds?temp_type=detail&category_number=333&classification
> =autos&date=today,sunday_before(today)&orderby=start_date:d
> Here is what I put in the squid.conf file.
> acl excludeURL url_regex 
> test.test.com\/classifieds-bin\/classifieds?temp_type=detail&category_number=333&classification
> =auto&date=today,sunday_before(today)&orderby=start_date:d
> no_cache deny excludeURL

This is not correct regex syntax for the given URL, and why have you left 
out the protocol part? You should also bind the pattern to start/end of 

It is mainly ., ? and + you need to escape as these have special meaning
in regex. There is also a few other special characters but these is not
very often seen in URLs. There is no need to escape the / as / is just / 
and nothing special.

Complete list of special characters in regex: ^.[]$()|*+?{}\


man 7 regex

for a in-depth description of the regex language. Squid uses what is known
as "Modern/Extended" regex, not the old style regex syntax.


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