Hi everybody,

I have got a problem with Squid NTLM feature and it is a bit strange, be advise :-)

I am setting a proxy / cache platform based on squid with NTLM auth feature.
This platform includes an Apache web server to show access statistics to users.

The problem occurred when I try to gain access to my Apache stats page through Squid.
If I try to see a Internet or Intranet website without NTLM auth through Squid, who 
always auth users with NTLM, it works fine.
If I try to go to my stats page directly (including proxy bypassing), it works fine 

So, Apache alone works fine, squid alone works fine, but when I try to chain both, it 
I done a network packet capture, and I have seen that the error page that client 
browser shows contains exactly the same headers (with ntlm auth required tag) as the 
page that apache returns when I bypass the proxy.

So, it seems that client doesn't answer to the ntlm auth required when I pass through 
squid and simply shows the error page.

Have you got any idea to solve this strange problem ?
Thanks in advance.

                       (@ @)

Région Alsace - Computer Science Dept.


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