I don't know if this will solve it but I have this rule at the end of my acl
(denies everything that doesn't match your rule)

http_access deny all

-----Original Message-----
From: Skarbet [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Monday, May 17, 2004 8:36 AM
Subject: [squid-users] Squid ACL

i'm using squid2.4stable7 and trying to stop user from
downloading large file and access some server.this is
my ACL:

#My Access List
acl limit_conn src
acl 6conn maxconn 6
acl post method post
acl exe urlpath_regex -i \.exe$
acl local src
acl download dstdomain .download.com
acl telecharger dstdomain .telecharger.com
acl multimedia urlpath_regex -i \.mp3$ \.mpg$ \.mpeg$
\.rm$ \.avi$ \.asf$ \.wma$ \.wav$ \.wmv$ \.ogg$
\.midi$ \.mov$ \.movie$
acl application urlpath_regex -i \.zip$ \.rar$ \.gz$
\.tgz$ \.bz2$ \.msi$ \.bin$ \.tar$ \.com$
#END My Access List

#My Rules
http_access allow local
http_access deny 6conn limit_conn
http_access deny download
http_access deny telecharger
http_access deny exe !post
http_access deny multimedia
http_access deny application

but this does not work !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! can u show
me what's wrong ?

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