
Our system uses striped cache disks.
I really wonder if there is a difference between e.g. 2x36GB striped with a decent RAID-Controller (HP/Compaq, to be precise) or using those disks independend from each other (only for squid cache, of course)
1st case: both disks on same controller, same performance as striped?
2nd case: different controllers, faster?

What do you think?

Regards, Hendrik Voigtländer

Joel Jaeggli wrote:

hard-drives have one spindle with one or more platters. all heads move at
the same time. mechanically only one operation occurs at a time. local
read/write caching and really smart schedulers are the only thing that
buys a performance improvement on the disk over having one operation in flight at a time.

if you have multiple partions for squid on the same disk you're serializing all of your operations on one drive. you're way better off with more drives. I'd vastly prefer 2 36GB 15k rpm disks to 1 73GB 10k rpm disk. our current cache boxes (a little more than a year old) have 4 x 18GB 15k rpm drives each just for cache dirs.

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