
E250 with how many processor of what type?
Probably you have an performance problem with the sleepycat berkeley-db.
If all your processors are busy all the time increasing the number of redirectors won't help.

In this case I would switch over to Linux with an Intel machine. We have replaced our old E450 with an HP/Compaq ML370 (decent machine, but not high end) with a significant improve in squid perfomance. I gave up on compiling squidguard on solaris, to much hassle and to much load probably as well for the 168MHz(!) processors.
With debian no problem at all, 'apt-get install squidguard' and done...

I really like the idea of using multiple cheap machine with loadbalancing and failover, but IMHO you need to use automatic proxy configuration to achieve this. I would use server hardware for this, but something cheaper than HP/Compaq, for instance Supermicro.

Get cachemgr.cgi running, it is really useful to look at squid & squidguards status.

#  TAG: redirector_bypass
#       When this is 'on', a request will not go through the
#       redirector if all redirectors are busy.  If this is 'off'
#       and the redirector queue grows too large, Squid will exit
#       with a FATAL error and ask you to increase the number of
#       redirectors.  You should only enable this if the redirectors
#       are not critical to your caching system.  If you use
#       redirectors for access control, and you enable this option,
#       then users may have access to pages that they should not
#       be allowed to request.
redirector_bypass on

As you may have noticed it is impossible to filter 100% of all unwanted stuff, bypassing in high load situations won't make things much worse.

Keep an eye on the redirector stats in cachemgr how many requests are actually bypassing squidguard. In our setup it is less than 1%.

Regards, Hendrik.

Merid Tilahun wrote:
Thanx Hendrik
I am running squid on solaris 8, sun enterprise 250
machine. I have more that 500 users connect at peak
hour. I never got around to configure cachemanager.cgi, I
will look in to that.
I use squidguard to filter porn, and it seems to be
working but it is affecting the servicetime badly. I
run around 20 redirector processes, I have been
increasing constantly.
I deactivated squidguard for a while and I got not
messages, but I need squidGuard to block the porn.
What is redirector bypass and how do i enable it?

--- Hendrik Voigtlaender <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>


I just checked my logs:
We get 40...50req/sec for about 10 hours a day with
nearly no traffic during the night, this levels out to a daily average
of 1000req/min.
Number of users are reported with about 1000...1500,
but I guess that we have never more than 150 clients connect at the same
We have 15 redirectors running, average redirector
service time is not measurable, servicetimes are good. In cachemgr.cgi
you can check how many request are handled by each redirector.
In our setup, more than 80% of the requests are
handled by the first one. The second gets about 10%, all the other are
used only during peak periods. Redirectors #15 is idle nearly the whole
In top only a a few (2...3) squidguards are showing
enough activity to be noticed, but not much. Machine is Intel 2,4GHz,
2x36GB SCSI cache_dir, 2GB RAM, Linux debian woody, squid &
squidguard out of distro.

I played around with the number of redirectors but
never got rid of this message (all busy, increase blabla). I think it is
not critical if this warning appears on and off, but not to often. 15 is
IMHO more than sufficient with this load.

What are you using squidguard for? If you try to
block pr0n, you can as well enable redirector bypass. The blacklist will
never catch all sites anyway, it doesnt matter if a couple of more request
bypass squidguard. This will eliminate the warning for sure.

How many redirectors are you using ? I would not
install squidguard but probably deativate it in squid.conf for testing.
I can imagine that too many redirectors are eating
up the ressources badly needed by squid, especially on a slow/small
Can you post some specs?

Regards, Hendrik Voigtländer

Merid Tilahun wrote:

Hi all:
I have istalled and configured squid and it was
fine until now. I installed squidGuard and when


starts working with it I get the user warning


Too many queued redirector requests. I have


the number of redirector processes but I am still
getting this messages. Plus the retrieval time for
sites is too long. Does any one know a way out? or
shall I just
uninstall squidguard?
My squid get around 850 req/min ( got this from


Thank you in advance

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