Arno Seidel wrote:


my questions now are:

Do i something wrong in the configuration?
is there a way to specify the protokoll version
for squid_ldapauth ?

Test with squid_ldapauth -h
I think you have to specify the openldap
version with squid_ldapauth -v 2 | 3 or

squid_ldapauth -h gives me: -h this help test -v verbose mode - default is off -q log queries - default is off -l togle usage of syslog - default is on

so i would do it if there where a option or any setting for the config file.

regards Arno

Check the ldap helper manual, if you don't have installed,
see in the source code
% cd helpers/basic_auth/LDAP
% nroff -man squid_ldap_auth.8| less

Emilio C.

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