On Wed, 21 Jul 2004, Merton Campbell Crockett wrote:

Even with Duane Wessel's "Squid, The Definitive Guide" as a reference, it 
is a daunting task to determine which of the configuration options will 
provide the behaviour that you would like to see.

   (1)  I would like to have all requests for external (non-corporate)
        web content forwarded to a Squid proxy at the security boundary.
        This seems to be addressed adequately with the following.

                acl CORP dstdomain .corp.com
                never_direct allow !CORP

   (2)  I would like all requests for local content to be retrieved from
        the local web server.

                acl DIV  dstdomain .div.corp.com
                always_direct allow DIV

   (3)  The links to other divisions are being changed from dedicated
        circuits to a dynamic VPN architecture.  I would like to relay
        requests to a Squid proxy at the division where the content is.
        In the past, I have used cache_peer_domain for this.

   (4)  Before performing (1) or (3), I would like to determine if a local
        Squid proxy already has a fresh copy of the requested content.  It
        doesn't seem desirable to be moving content repeatedly over a link
        where the payload will be encrypted and fragmented.

Any suggestions on the "best" method of obtaining the desired behaviour?

Merton Campbell Crockett

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FN:                             Merton Campbell Crockett
ORG:                            General Dynamics Advanced Information Systems;
                                Intelligence and Exploitation Systems
N:                              Crockett;Merton;Campbell
EMAIL;TYPE=internet:            [EMAIL PROTECTED]
TEL;TYPE=work,voice,msg,pref:   +1(805)497-5045
TEL;TYPE=work,fax:              +1(805)497-5050
TEL;TYPE=cell,voice,msg:        +1(805)377-6762
END:                            vcard

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