What we are thinking of doing is:

client -> Proxy -> sign-on/disclaimer -> Proxy -> ldap -> Internet

The 1st proxy will be open and require no auth and redirect all traffic
to the sign-on/disclaim site. User has option to Activate account or
visit Internet. The "Visit Internet" link will change go to the 2nd
proxy which will have proxy_auth enabled for ldap. The client will be
prompted with a userid and passwd dialog to be authenticated and sent to
the internet.

Does this seem possible? I have the gateway for the segment set up to
be the 1st proxy so I may still have a loop issue. Is there an automated
way to modify the gateway on client systems? Like a forced dhcp without
the request. If we could make this behave as two separate segments (
seg1 = 1st proxy with no auth required, seg2 = 2nd proxy with auth
required.) client would always start in seg1 and have to request seg2.
Any thoughts or suggestions are greatly appreciated!!



>>> Chris Perreault <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 7/21/2004 2:02:23 PM
Doh, there is a referer_regex ACL type, but I don't see that helping

1)Browser wants to visit website.com and hits the proxy. 
2)Request gets redirected to the signup_disclaimer.htm website.
3)User signs up and/or logs in.
4)The page that verifies the username/password then redirects to the
originally requested site with the login information stored in the
header. (via the proxy)
5) the proxy sees the refering site and proxies the request.

A better 5) would be squid sees it has an already authenticated request
passes it through. Otherwise the user would  have to log in, on the
disclaimer page, every time they clicked a link. Open a new
though and then the user would have to log in again.

Hopefully my ramblings help Rick out. I see a loop happening though.
proxy_auth is required, the user gets the pop up window, even if they
have an account yet. Once they visit the login page, that page should
able to write/create the http_proxy_authorization header. 
I don't see how to redirect the user if they are not auth'd yet
redirecting them when they are auth'd later so it looks like they are
with the logon prompt and only get to the disclaimer/login page when
fail to authenticate.

Chris Perreault

-----Original Message-----
From: Chris Perreault 
Sent: Wednesday, July 21, 2004 10:15 AM
Subject: RE: [squid-users] Re: Implementation issues

We may turn into such a sponser. In reverse proxy mode we are looking
for a
solution where we need to authenticate users as far out in the DMZ as
possible. Using ldap via basic auth results in some difficulty in
some of the content on various back end webservers which also uses
auth. Over the next few days we'll determine the best solution, which
may be
having users redirected to a logon webpage, use a form based
that saves the ip, then passes the username down in a header to the
back end
webservers, thus allowing some of those servers to match the header
with a username in a profile database for portal type content delivery
still allowing basic auth type apps to do their own authentication. 

If squid knew the referring IP address (the webserver that has the
authenticating form on it that after submital send the browser back to
Squid) then all users could be directed to the logon page, and after
submit go back to the proxy which would allow that referring IP to get
proxied info from the web. Spoof the IP though and you get through
authenticating. Figuring that IP out might be difficult for a end user

Chris Perreault

-----Original Message-----
From: Adam Aube [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Tuesday, July 20, 2004 8:15 PM
Subject: [squid-users] Re: Implementation issues

Henrik Nordstrom wrote:

> On Wed, 14 Jul 2004, Rick Whitley wrote:
>> I was setting up a proxy server to do the authentication and
>> cacheing, but have learned from the list that it is not going to 
>> behave the way I expected. Users should only see the initial page 
>> once. I seem to be out in left field as to how to implement this.
>> suggestions?
> In theory it is possible to implement very close to what you want
> Squid & authentication, but so far no one has been willing to
> sponsor such development.
> It is also possible to use a small proxy.pac script implementing the
> "startup splash" screen.

Something like this might be a good starting point:



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