On Thu, 22 Jul 2004, Rick Whitley wrote:

> >From the user perspective, the first thing they will see is the
> disclaimer page. Clicking either the login or activation link will be
> the same as accepting the conditions. Where would I modify the
> authentication window?

Unfortunately, I was the "unix guy" on the projects and dealt, primarily, 
with the network infrastructure and perimeter security.  Windows was 
treated as a shared application.  The applications support group made the 
modifications.  Basically, I can only tell you that it can be done but 
nothing about the how.

Merton Campbell Crockett

> thanks
> rick...
> Rom.5:8
> >>> Merton Campbell Crockett <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 7/22/2004 8:20:00 AM
> >>>
> Out of curiousity, why is the notification that computer and network
> usage 
> will be monitored being deferred until this late in the game?
> The monitoring began the moment the individual logged into the
> sorkstation 
> or laptop and requested to use the Windows NOS.  The pop-up
> authentication 
> window can be modified to display the notification message and inform
> the 
> user that he is agreeing to be monitored by submitting his
> credentials.
> At one site where I did some work, the login process was modified so
> that 
> a separate pop-up window was used.  If you clicked on the accept
> button, 
> the authentication window was displayed.
> Merton Campbell Crockett
> On Thu, 22 Jul 2004, Chris Perreault wrote:
> > Here at my work all employees sign a form stating that they realize
> email,
> > internet usage, file storage systems, etc are for work purposes and
> that
> > none of it is truly private. That email will not be directly read
> except for
> > troubleshooting/maintenance issues unless there are illegal or
> non-condoned
> > company activities taking place.
> > 
> > All traffic encrypted? Encryption puts a burden on the servers and if
> all
> > the traffic is being encrypted, then what exactly *is* being
> monitored?
> > 
> > Thoughts? Set your PC's gateway to your Apache server, visit
> www.google.com,
> > get your disclaimer page to come up, sign in, and then have it make
> you end
> > up at google. If this works, insert Squid afterwards. (one piece at a
> time,
> > see what works, what doesn't)
> > 
> > Chris Perreault
> > 
> > 
> > -----Original Message-----
> > From: Rick Whitley [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
> > Sent: Wednesday, July 21, 2004 5:37 PM
> > To: [EMAIL PROTECTED]; Chris Perreault
> > Subject: RE: [squid-users] Re: Implementation issues
> > 
> > 
> > The disclaimer page gives us the opportunity to inform the users that
> their
> > traffic is being monitored. It's the law. I am open to suggestions as
> to a
> > better way to accomplish this. I agree its ugly. The disclaimer page
> would
> > have a login link that went to the 2nd proxy. On top of everything,
> they
> > want the traffic encrypted. I need to get a workable process working
> first.
> > What if the first stop was a web server?
> > 
> > client -> Apache -> Proxy -> internet
> >                    |
> >                signon
> > 
> > Here apache would trap the traffic unless authenticated(session
> variable?).
> > We would have apache be the gateway.
> > 
> > Thoughts?
> > 
> > rick...
> > Rom.5:8
> > 
> > >>> Chris Perreault <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 7/21/2004 3:55:21
> PM
> > >>>
> > First attempt:
> > 
> > client -> Proxy1 -> sign-on/disclaimer -> Proxy2 -> ldap -> Internet
> > 
> > User clicks on a page, sending another request, which then will do
> > this:
> > 
> > client -> Proxy1 -> sign-on/disclaimer -> Proxy2 -> ldap -> Internet
> > 
> > If proxy1 sends all traffic to the signon page, then all traffic
> passes to
> > it. All of it. Each request is coming from the browser, not the
> signon
> > server, so each request hits the proxy1 first and gets resent to the
> logon
> > page. Ok...so if a session variable knows the user logged in, then
> the
> > signon server can redirect the request for the website through
> proxy2. All
> > requests would pass through proxy1-->signon server-->proxy2. If
> that's
> > acceptable, it looks like it would work. You'd want to redo the
> session
> > variable on each hit, or else you could have the user relogging in
> every 20
> > minutes or so. If they were doing anything on the web (filling in a
> form or
> > taking a test) and didn't submit another request for a while, their
> session
> > could time out and they sure wouldn't be happy. It looks doable, but
> it
> > looks ugly too.
> > 
> > Once a user has signed up, you want them to get the disclaimer page
> every
> > time they fire up a web browser?
> > 
> > It would be much easier to have them just sign an "internet use
> policy" and
> > in exchange tell them their username and password:)
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > Chris Perreault
> > Webmaster/MCSE
> > The Wiremold Company
> > West Hartford, CT 06010
> > 860-233-6251 ext 3426
> > 
> > 
> > -----Original Message-----
> > From: Rick Whitley [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
> > Sent: Wednesday, July 21, 2004 3:44 PM
> > To: [EMAIL PROTECTED]; Chris Perreault
> > Subject: RE: [squid-users] Re: Implementation issues
> > 
> > 
> > What we are thinking of doing is:
> > 
> > client -> Proxy -> sign-on/disclaimer -> Proxy -> ldap -> Internet
> > 
> > The 1st proxy will be open and require no auth and redirect all
> traffic to
> > the sign-on/disclaim site. User has option to Activate account or
> visit
> > Internet. The "Visit Internet" link will change go to the 2nd proxy
> which
> > will have proxy_auth enabled for ldap. The client will be prompted
> with a
> > userid and passwd dialog to be authenticated and sent to the
> internet.
> > 
> > Does this seem possible? I have the gateway for the segment set up to
> be the
> > 1st proxy so I may still have a loop issue. Is there an automated way
> to
> > modify the gateway on client systems? Like a forced dhcp without the
> > request. If we could make this behave as two separate segments ( seg1
> = 1st
> > proxy with no auth required, seg2 = 2nd proxy with auth
> > required.) client would always start in seg1 and have to request
> seg2. Any
> > thoughts or suggestions are greatly appreciated!!
> > 
> > thanks
> > 
> > rick...
> > Rom.5:8
> > 
> > >>> Chris Perreault <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 7/21/2004 2:02:23
> > PM
> > >>>
> > Doh, there is a referer_regex ACL type, but I don't see that helping
> here
> > anyways.
> > 
> > 1)Browser wants to visit website.com and hits the proxy. 
> > 2)Request gets redirected to the signup_disclaimer.htm website.
> 3)User signs
> > up and/or logs in. 4)The page that verifies the username/password
> then
> > redirects to the originally requested site with the login information
> stored
> > in the correct header. (via the proxy)
> > 5) the proxy sees the refering site and proxies the request.
> > 
> > A better 5) would be squid sees it has an already authenticated
> request so
> > passes it through. Otherwise the user would  have to log in, on the
> > disclaimer page, every time they clicked a link. Open a new
> window/session
> > though and then the user would have to log in again.
> > 
> > Hopefully my ramblings help Rick out. I see a loop happening though.
> If
> > proxy_auth is required, the user gets the pop up window, even if they
> don't
> > have an account yet. Once they visit the login page, that page should
> be
> > able to write/create the http_proxy_authorization header. 
> > I don't see how to redirect the user if they are not auth'd yet
> without
> > redirecting them when they are auth'd later so it looks like they are
> stuck
> > with the logon prompt and only get to the disclaimer/login page when
> they
> > fail to authenticate.
> > 
> > 
> > Chris Perreault
> > 
> > 
> > -----Original Message-----
> > From: Chris Perreault 
> > Sent: Wednesday, July 21, 2004 10:15 AM
> > Subject: RE: [squid-users] Re: Implementation issues
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > We may turn into such a sponser. In reverse proxy mode we are looking
> for a
> > solution where we need to authenticate users as far out in the DMZ
> as
> > possible. Using ldap via basic auth results in some difficulty in
> reaching
> > some of the content on various back end webservers which also uses
> basic
> > auth. Over the next few days we'll determine the best solution, which
> may be
> > having users redirected to a logon webpage, use a form based
> authentication
> > that saves the ip, then passes the username down in a header to the
> back end
> > webservers, thus allowing some of those servers to match the header
> username
> > with a username in a profile database for portal type content
> delivery while
> > still allowing basic auth type apps to do their own authentication. 
> > 
> > If squid knew the referring IP address (the webserver that has the
> > authenticating form on it that after submital send the browser back
> to
> > Squid) then all users could be directed to the logon page, and after
> hitting
> > submit go back to the proxy which would allow that referring IP to
> get
> > proxied info from the web. Spoof the IP though and you get through
> without
> > authenticating. Figuring that IP out might be difficult for a end
> user
> > though.
> > 
> > Chris Perreault
> > 
> > -----Original Message-----
> > From: Adam Aube [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
> > Sent: Tuesday, July 20, 2004 8:15 PM
> > Subject: [squid-users] Re: Implementation issues
> > 
> > 
> > Henrik Nordstrom wrote:
> > 
> > > On Wed, 14 Jul 2004, Rick Whitley wrote:
> > > 
> > >> I was setting up a proxy server to do the authentication and
> > >> cacheing, but have learned from the list that it is not going to 
> > >> behave the way I expected. Users should only see the initial page
> > >> once. I seem to be out in left field as to how to implement this.
> > Any 
> > >> suggestions?
> > > 
> > > In theory it is possible to implement very close to what you want
> > with
> > > Squid & authentication, but so far no one has been willing to
> > actively 
> > > sponsor such development.
> > > 
> > > It is also possible to use a small proxy.pac script implementing
> the
> > 
> > > "startup splash" screen.
> > 
> > Something like this might be a good starting point:
> > 
> > http://www.squid-cache.org/mail-archive/squid-users/200404/0793.html
> > 
> > Adam
> > 

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FN:                             Merton Campbell Crockett
ORG:                            General Dynamics Advanced Information Systems;
                                Intelligence and Exploitation Systems
N:                              Crockett;Merton;Campbell
EMAIL;TYPE=internet:            [EMAIL PROTECTED]
TEL;TYPE=work,voice,msg,pref:   +1(805)497-5045
TEL;TYPE=work,fax:              +1(805)497-5050
TEL;TYPE=cell,voice,msg:        +1(805)377-6762
END:                            vcard

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