Quoting Christoph Haas <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

> On Thu, Jul 22, 2004 at 06:48:14PM +1000, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> > I am trying to figure out how to remove or change the Squid signature that is
> > appended to the bottom of FTP indexes (same as what is appended to error pages
> > but I know how to get rid of those).
> >
> > eg: if I visit ftp://ftp.download.com/ I get the following signature at the
> > bottom of my page:
> >
> >     Generated Thu, 22 Jul 2004 08:45:45 GMT by xxx.xxx.xxx (squid/2.5.STABLE6)
> >
> > Any help with this would be appreciated.
> Doing this correctly would mean to alter the source.
> Dirty tricks include putting a <!-- at the end of your error message
> thus suppressing the output of the signature (although it is still in
> the HTML source). This will however make the error message be non-HTML
> as closing tags will be missing. That will probably lead to severe
> display problems with some browsers.
> This has been discussed a couple of times in this mailing list. You may
> want to search the archives.
>  Christoph
> --
> ~
> ~
> ".signature" [Modified] 3 lines --100%--                3,41         All

Thanks Christoph, I have already searched the archives and that is how I discovered
how to get rid of the signature in error messages (BTW, including <!-- %s --> will
remove the signature without breaking the rest of the page - yes it is still
viewable in the source though).

What my question is about was *not* how to change error pages, but how to change the
page returned when you visit an ftp:// style URL

I am happy to hack the source, but if there is an easier way I'd like to use that.

Rob Hadfield

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