
I'm running Squid2.5 stable6 on Debian Linux 3.0r2 on a Dell2650 and 
using 3 

cache-directories where each has it's own disk beneath. See this 'df' : 

proxy2:~# df 
Filesystem           1k-blocks      Used Available Use% Mounted on 
/dev/sda2             35518624    269060  35249564   1% / 
/dev/sdb6             33032196    432240  30921972   2% 
/dev/sdc5             35001476     98692  33124796   1% 
/dev/sdd5             35001476   1865408  31358080   6% 
/dev/sde5             35001476   1859088  31364400   6% 

Using this squid-server cache1 seems not to be used to write data to. 
When I 

change the order of the caches in squid.conf then the first listed in 
conf-file will be 'ignored' to be used to save data to. So, i.e. when 

is listed first, then cache2 don't get data written to it. The 
filesystem-type in squid is UFS for all cache-dirs. 
I also have a proxy1 server that has been setup exactly the same and 
server also shows the same issue. 

Any idea's ? 

Thanks in advance, 

John Dautzenberg 

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