Emilio Casbas wrote:


Before to update the squid version to 2.5Stable6, the previos versions was quite well without any mayor problem.
With this version also is working very well, only we have seen , that the cache disk isn't growing in the same way.

We have 3 disk cache.
/dev/sdb1              17G  1.6G   15G  10% /usr/local/cache1
/dev/sdc1              17G  7.4G  9.5G  44% /usr/local/cache2
/dev/sdd1              17G  7.4G  9.5G  44% /usr/local/cache3

The squid.conf is:
cache_dir ufs /usr/local/cache1 16000 16 256
cache_dir ufs /usr/local/cache2 16000 16 256
cache_dir ufs /usr/local/cache3 16000 16 256

I've seen that this is a "ufs" bug in 2.5.Stable6

Emilio C.

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