Dear all 

my squid performance is slugglish due to High CPU
usage . sometime squid take 99.9 cpu usage in top
command output. 

My server spec as follow:

Pentitum III 1200 Mhz (on intel Server Board)
2 SCSI Disk ( 4 GB cache dir )
OS Redhat 9 
squid configuration option  async-io
filesystem resierfs

current load on machine

135 req/sec

uptime output :

15:28:20  up 12:06,  1 user,  load average: 1.98,
1.86, 1.82

free -m output 

           total       used       free     shared   
buffers     cached
Mem:          2016       1499        516          0   
    208        740
-/+ buffers/cache:        550       1466
Swap:          511          0        511

how to lower the cpu usage on my machine . i have 4
squid in cache farm .

thanks and Regards


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