I was searching the FAQs but not exactly sure what I am searching for.

I think what I am trying to do is use cache_peer groups or access, I am not
sure.  I will explain my scenario and if anyone has a solution I'd greatly
appreciate it.

Linux AS2.1
Dell PowerEdge 650, 2gig RAM

All my users are redirected to the cache via wccp.  From squid I'd like to
have certain users or subnets redirected to DansGuardian for content
filtering.  I am able to make this work fairly easy if I configure squid to
use DansGuardian as a cache_peer, but this affects all users and is not
acceptable in my environment.  Anyone have an idea on how I can configure
squid to forward certain users/subnets to DansGuardian and the rest out the
normal way?

I currently have squid configured to use 2 McAfee E500 appliances as its
cache_peer for virus scanning via round-robin.  The always_direct directive
is used for a few domains that don't need to go thru the E500.  I also have
DansGuardian configured to use the E500 appliances as its proxy instead of

Normal config:

Client ---------> Squid ---------> E500 WebShield ---------> Internet

Proposed config by subnet/user:

Client ---------> Squid ---------> DansGuardian ---------> E500
WebShield ---------> Internet

Any advice would be greatly appreciated!!


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