I do not think that you should rebuild your kernel. 
First tweak your squid.conf and see what results you
get, i will say lower down the squidGuard threads. 
helperOpenServers: Starting 25 'squidGuard'

--- Brett Charbeneau <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Greetings Fellow Squidders,
>       I have a Squid box running at my main library
> (2.5.STABLE1) and 
> I'm trying to get things tuned up on it. It's of the
> RedHat flavor running 
> kernel 2.4.20-30.9 with 1 GB of RAM.
>       NOW: the kernel needs to be recompiled with HIGHMEM
> enabled so it can
> take full advantage of the RAM (as it only addresses
> 896 MB, now) and my plan is 
> to do that tomorrow as well as stick an additional
> 512 MB in it.
>       I've got some vmstat info below, and as you'll
> notice the amount of swap
> increases at the beginning of the day and tends to
> hover around 102700 (yes, six
> digits there) - which I understand to be a Bad
> Thing.
>       Will a recompile of the kernel with HIGHMEM make a
> difference here or do 
> I need to start tweaking cache settings in
> squid.conf? 
>       Or am I already I/O bound?
>       MANY thanks in advance for any help anyone can find
> the time to offer.
> [root]# vmstat 5   
>    procs                      memory      swap      
>    io     system      cpu
>  r  b  w   swpd   free   buff  cache   si   so    bi
>    bo   in    cs us sy id
>  0  0  1  10380   7364  90524 289184    0    1    20
>    24  145    33  1  1 98
>  0  0  0  10476   7244  90484 289288    0   19     9
>    78  285   114  2  4 94
>  0  0  0  10476   7128  90520 289268    4    0    42
>    22  530   269  5 11 83
>  0  1  0  10588   7264  90620 288872    4   24    52
>   121  461   221  3  8 90
>  0  0  0  10620   7272  90808 288668    6    6    94
>    62  341   169  3  4 92
> [root]# cat /proc/meminfo
>         total:    used:    free:  shared: buffers: 
> cached:
> Mem:  924434432 894775296 29659136        0 92082176
> 331661312
> Swap: 205623296 103870464 101752832
> MemTotal:       902768 kB
> MemFree:         28964 kB
> MemShared:           0 kB
> Buffers:         89924 kB
> Cached:         230668 kB
> SwapCached:      93220 kB
> Active:         663912 kB
> ActiveAnon:     460992 kB
> ActiveCache:    202920 kB
> Inact_dirty:     53640 kB
> Inact_laundry:   98576 kB
> Inact_clean:     20504 kB
> Inact_target:   167324 kB
> HighTotal:           0 kB
> HighFree:            0 kB
> LowTotal:       902768 kB
> LowFree:         28964 kB
> SwapTotal:      200804 kB
> SwapFree:        99368 kB
> From cache.log at Squid startup:
> 2004/08/31 05:01:28| Starting Squid Cache version
> 2.5.STABLE1 for 
> i386-redhat-linux-gnu...
> 2004/08/31 05:01:28| Process ID 1013
> 2004/08/31 05:01:28| With 1024 file descriptors
> available
> 2004/08/31 05:01:28| DNS Socket created at,
> port 32768, FD 5
> 2004/08/31 05:01:28| Adding nameserver
> xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx from /etc/resolv.conf
> 2004/08/31 05:01:28| Adding nameserver
> xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx from /etc/resolv.conf
> 2004/08/31 05:01:28| Adding nameserver
> xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx from /etc/resolv.conf
> 2004/08/31 05:01:28| helperOpenServers: Starting 25
> 'squidGuard' processes   
> 2004/08/31 05:01:28| Unlinkd pipe opened on FD 35
> 2004/08/31 05:01:28| Swap maxSize 61440000 KB,
> estimated 4726153 objects
> 2004/08/31 05:01:28| Target number of buckets:
> 236307
> 2004/08/31 05:01:28| Using 262144 Store buckets
> 2004/08/31 05:01:28| Max Mem  size: 65536 KB
> 2004/08/31 05:01:28| Max Swap size: 61440000 KB
> 2004/08/31 05:01:28| Rebuilding storage in
> /var/spool/squid (CLEAN)
> 2004/08/31 05:01:28| Using Least Load store dir
> selection
> 2004/08/31 05:01:28| Set Current Directory to
> /var/spool/squid
> 2004/08/31 05:01:28| helperOpenServers: Starting 25
> 'squidGuard' processes
> 2004/08/31 05:01:28| Unlinkd pipe opened on FD 35
> 2004/08/31 05:01:28| Swap maxSize 61440000 KB,
> estimated 4726153 objects
> 2004/08/31 05:01:28| Target number of buckets:
> 236307
> 2004/08/31 05:01:28| Using 262144 Store buckets
> 2004/08/31 05:01:28| Max Mem  size: 65536 KB
> 2004/08/31 05:01:28| Max Swap size: 61440000 KB
> 2004/08/31 05:01:28| Rebuilding storage in
> /var/spool/squid (CLEAN) 
> 2004/08/31 05:01:28| Using Least Load store dir
> selection
> 2004/08/31 05:01:28| Set Current Directory to
> /var/spool/squid
> 2004/08/31 05:01:28| Loaded Icons.
> 2004/08/31 05:01:29| Accepting HTTP connections at
>, port 3128, FD 37.
> 2004/08/31 05:01:29| Accepting ICP messages at
>, port 3130, FD 38.
> 2004/08/31 05:01:29| WCCP Disabled.
> 2004/08/31 05:01:29| Ready to serve requests.
> -- 
> Brett Charbeneau, Network Administrator         Tel:
> 757-259-7750
> Williamsburg Regional Library                   FAX:
> 757-259-7798
> 7770 Croaker Road                              
> brett _at_ wrl.org
> Williamsburg, VA 23188-7064                    
> http://www.wrl.org

Mohsin Khan 
CCNA ( Cisco Certified Network Associate 2.0 ) 

>>>Happy is the one who can smile<<<

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