I have just gotten a new SquidNT proxy up and running, and I would like
to start by saying thank you to all the people that have both put in
time writing Squid, and the people who worked on the port to Windows.  

I have a couple of questions that hopefully can be answered by some of
the more seasoned users. First I would like to block some of the more
common spyware/adware sites so our users don't accidently install any of
that type of software.  I have found several sites that have lists of
websites, unfortunately these lists seem to be very broad in what gets
listed.  I was wondering if anyone knows of a list that only lists the
spyware-type of sites, preferably one that is fairly regularly

Second, my employers would like to be able to get per user statics on
their web usage.  I would like to implement a web-based solution for
them to allow them easy access to the information whenever it is
needed.  I have looked at webalizer, and it does some of what I would
like to do, however I have not found a way to generate the per user
statistics.  Of coarse, by statistics I'm not talking about just
numbers.  Among the things that would like to be reported, would be the
top sites that each user visits.

I have also looked at using SLUG, which as far as I can tell from
looking at the documentation will do the per user statistics, however I
was wondering if anyone has been able to get it working in a
Windows-based setup.  I personally do not have any problems using Linux,
however I am worried about keeping the access.log files syncronized
between a Linux server (to host the reporting) and the Windows Squid

If SLUG woud not work in my setup, could anyone recommend a program that
does do per user statistics I would appreciate it.

Tim Donahue

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