I have a network with more than 20 PCs going through
the squid proxy server installed on a linux partition.
The problem happen when the PC wanted to access
Outlook Web Access (OWA) it only can enter the page
with the icons all missing and under the inbox, it
will show "loading...." and it stay like that forever.
The browser tested were IE 5.5 and above. When I use
Netscape and Mozilla FireFox, the messages in the
inbox appear but the icons still missing. I have look
into the net and found that squid is not able to
support WebDAV extension. 

The solutions I tried include

1. Installing Squid 2.5 Stable 6 since it is reported
that the latest version support all the extension
methods needed.

2. Secondly, I configure the squid myself by adding 
extension_methods into squid.conf. These methods
as posted in this forum itself.

However, all this method fail. I hope that there is a
better method to allow WebDAV to pass  the squid proxy
without bypassing it. Another question is does Squid
support WebDAV methods? Id so, why the messages cannot
view in the mailbox? Or izzit becoz of Delta V
extension? Is there a solution for this problem? 
Please help me...THANX ...


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