Henrik Nordstrom wrote:

Disagreement on time could be one reason.

mmhhh... May I check this one, too?

enable log_mime_hdrs and there will be more hints. Be warned that this also logs the authentication credentials so don't post log information while logging in with a sensitive account..

OK, I'll enable it right now. (uoooooo so many LOGs!!!)

I emptied both client browser's cache: nothing changes.

1096546876.678 1200 TCP_MISS/200 553 GET http://www.nu.nl/img/balkje.gif mallone PARENT_HIT/proxy.reteunitaria.piemonte.it image/gif
1096546901.557 733 TCP_MISS/200 553 GET http://www.nu.nl/img/balkje.gif boniforti PARENT_HIT/proxy.reteunitaria.piemonte.it image/gif

A lot changed. There is now status code 200, not 304, and the reply size is differnt (bigger).

What do these facts mean?

Boniforti Flavio
Provincia del Verbano-Cusio-Ossola
Ufficio Informatica

Tecnoparco del Lago Maggiore
Via dell'Industria, 25
28924 Verbania

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