Most likely a broken server.


On Thu, 21 Oct 2004, Niti Lohwithee wrote:

Dear Squid Group,

My squid box is redhat kernal 2.4.18-3 with squid2.5 stable 1.     I
have facing some problem when i access a website.

Please refer the below for error from browser and access.log .

***Display from Mozilla1.4


The requested URL could not be retrieved


While trying to retrieve the URL: http://xxxxxxxxxxxx/supplier/po_wait_rece.aspx

The following error was encountered:

*       Write Error

The system returned:
(104) Connection reset by peer

**** Display from access.log

xx.xx.xx.xx - nitil [21/Oct/2004:08:17:01 +0700] "POST :
http://xxxxxxxxxxxx/supplier/po_wait_rece.aspx  HTTP/1.1" 500 1480

Any pointers would be appreciated.

Regards and Thank you in advance Niti : )

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