> I'm at a loss.  Here's the situation.  We have a couple hundred squid
> clients forced (using never-direct allow all) to run through 
> a parent proxy
> array.  On occasion (no discernable pattern) the squid process on the
> clients uses all the available CPU cycles, and tailing the 
> access log shows
> that nothing is being served.  Attempting to use the 
> cachemgr.cgi (from a
> different box) or the squidclient (on the client proxy) 
> returns no results
> while the CPU usage is running wild.  Once the CPU usage 
> slows down, results
> are returned.  Running a squid -k debug (for the usual 2 seconds) and
> tailing the cache.log seems to show acls being processed.  Often in
> conjunction with these CPU spikes I'll see "TCP connection to 
> [parent-proxy]
> failed", but not always.  Sometimes these connection failed 
> messages appear
> in the cache log without a CPU spike.
> There are two round-robin parent proxies, which peer (using 
> ICP) and a third
> "master" parent (also peering with ICP) which is running two 
> squid processes
> (one per CPU) due to some sites not handling "sessions" 
> changing IPs.  All
> three are on the same network switch.  They are being 
> monitored with MRTG
> (http://mrtg.schoolaccess.net/squid/) and never seem to slow down.
> The connection failed messages don't favor one server over the other.
> Most of the clients are accessing the internet over 
> satellite, but some are
> on terrestrial links.  The problem does not occur more often 
> with either
> connection method.
> I thought that I had found the problem when I read about the
> half_closed_clients bug, but after patching, compiling and installing
> SQUID2.5-STABLE7 on a couple of sites, the problem persists 
> (though perhaps
> less often).  Disabling half-closed-clients in the squid.conf,
> unsurprisingly had no noticeable effect.
> The version I replaced for testing is SQUID2.5-STABLE4.
> STABLE7 was compiled with --bindir=/home/squid2/bin
> --sbindir=/home/squid2/bin --libexecdir=/home/squid2/bin
> --datadir=/home/squid2/etc --sysconfdir=/etc/squid
> --localstatedir=/home/squid2 --mandir=/usr/man --enable-ssl
> --enable-err-languages=English --disable-ident-lookups --with-pthreads
> --enable-storeio=ufs,aufs,diskd --enable-snmp 
> --enable-async-io --with-aio
> STABLE4 was compiled with --bindir=/home/squid2/bin
> --sbindir=/home/squid2/bin --libexecdir=/home/squid2/bin
> --datadir=/home/squid2/etc --sysconfdir=/etc/squid
> --localstatedir=/home/squid2 --mandir=/usr/man 
> --enable-xmalloc-statistics
> --enable-useragent-log --enable-referer-log 
> --enable-err-languages=English
> --disable-ident-lookups --with-pthreads 
> --enable-storeio=ufs,aufs,diskd
> In the interest of preventing this message from becoming too 
> long, I have
> posted the conf files at http://mrtg.schoolaccess.net/squidconf/.  The
> -sparse files have all comments and blank lines stripped out.
> What further tools can I use (on a Linux 2.2 kernel) to 
> figure out what
> squid is doing when the CPU usage spikes?  What information 
> did I leave out
> that might be relevant?

  You may issue :

  % squid -k debug ; sleep 2 ; squid -k debug

  during this high CPU usage. Check cache.log afterwards.


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