> i am runing squid 2.5stable7 with carp
> i am using sattlite downlink its proxy base i try to add carp 
> load factor 
> cache_peer proxy.downlink.com parent 8080 0 no-query  
> carp-load-factor = 0.75
> cache_peer proxy.localisp.com parent 8080 0 no-query 
> carp-load-factor = 0.25
> when i try to start squid i get this error
>  parse_peer: token='carp-load-factor'
> FATAL: Bungled squid.conf line 14: cache_peer proxy.downlink.com
> parent 8080 0 no-query  c
> arp-load-factor = 0.75
> Squid Cache (Version 2.5.STABLE7): Terminated abnormally.
> CPU Usage: 0.030 seconds = 0.020 user + 0.010 sys
> Maximum Resident Size: 1304 KB
> Page faults with physical i/o: 322
> abnormal program termination
> i know its may my downlink isp did not sport carp but is there any
> pther way to load balnce my requests

 Did you build SQUID with carp support ?

 (during configure stage).


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