Mateo Cabrera @ wrote:
The FTP Server is FILEZILLA is freeware and vey kind...!!!

Never heard of it. I expected something like proftpd or wu.ftpd...

The pasive mode was OFF....Now does work fine...!!!

Hmm. I would have expected problems if there is a firewall/packetfilter of some kind is involved. Are you sure there is nothing like this between squid and the ftp servers?

But, i have other problem...that only i can view and download the files in the remote ftp server, i can´t to upload files...because i set "disable the folder views for FTP" in the internet explorer... How can to resolve this?

With IE it is IMHO not possible to upload files with a disabled folder view but I am not sure about this.
You could use a ftp client which is capable to communicate with squid via http (squid serves ftp via http to the client, ftp protocol is only used between squid and the ftp server). Most of the clients dont, some of the implementations are buggy :-(
One client which should be able to work with squid is the "total commander". There is a trial version available.

Another possibility would be a "real" ftp proxy, i.e. a proxy which speaks ftp to the client. With such a proxy it should be even possible to use an IE with activated folder view to upload file.
You can try frox, which is sort of an addon to squid or jftpgw which is a standalone ftp proxy.

Regards, Hendrik Voigtländer

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