Good day.

EM>  Check with :
EM>      % squid -k parse

EM>  further, to see that there are no other errors in squid.conf.
EM>  Watchout for any errors  or warnings too in cache.log when a cold start of 
EM>  is performed.

Squid -k parse does not produce any errors or warings.
There are no errors in cache.log file after cold start.
(except strange
"chdir: /var/squid/cache: (2) No such file or directory"
but I didn't find any occurrence of "/var/squid/cache" in config file)

2004/11/12 18:26:09| Starting Squid Cache version 2.5.STABLE7 for 
2004/11/12 18:26:09| Process ID 18046
2004/11/12 18:26:09| With 1024 file descriptors available
2004/11/12 18:26:09| Performing DNS Tests...
2004/11/12 18:26:09| Successful DNS name lookup tests...
2004/11/12 18:26:09| DNS Socket created at, port 61016, FD 4
2004/11/12 18:26:09| Adding nameserver from /etc/resolv.conf
2004/11/12 18:26:09| Adding nameserver ...cuted... from /etc/resolv.conf
2004/11/12 18:26:09| Adding nameserver ...cuted... from /etc/resolv.conf
2004/11/12 18:26:09| helperOpenServers: Starting 10 'squidGuard' processes
2004/11/12 18:26:09| Unlinkd pipe opened on FD 19
2004/11/12 18:26:09| Swap maxSize 512000 KB, estimated 39384 objects
2004/11/12 18:26:09| Target number of buckets: 1969
2004/11/12 18:26:09| Using 8192 Store buckets
2004/11/12 18:26:09| Max Mem  size: 131072 KB
2004/11/12 18:26:09| Max Swap size: 512000 KB
2004/11/12 18:26:09| Store logging disabled
2004/11/12 18:26:09| Rebuilding storage in /squid.cache (CLEAN)
2004/11/12 18:26:09| Using Least Load store dir selection
2004/11/12 18:26:09| chdir: /var/squid/cache: (2) No such file or directory
2004/11/12 18:26:09| Current Directory is /etc/squid
2004/11/12 18:26:09| Loaded Icons.
2004/11/12 18:26:10| Accepting HTTP connections at, port 3128, FD 
2004/11/12 18:26:10| Ready to serve requests.
2004/11/12 18:26:10| Store rebuilding is  9.4% complete
2004/11/12 18:26:10| Done reading /squid.cache swaplog (43713 entries)
2004/11/12 18:26:10| Finished rebuilding storage from disk.
2004/11/12 18:26:10|     43713 Entries scanned
2004/11/12 18:26:10|         0 Invalid entries.
2004/11/12 18:26:10|         0 With invalid flags.
2004/11/12 18:26:10|     43713 Objects loaded.
2004/11/12 18:26:10|         0 Objects expired.
2004/11/12 18:26:10|         0 Objects cancelled.
2004/11/12 18:26:10|         0 Duplicate URLs purged.
2004/11/12 18:26:10|         0 Swapfile clashes avoided.
2004/11/12 18:26:10|   Took 0.7 seconds (60160.1 objects/sec).
2004/11/12 18:26:10| Beginning Validation Procedure
2004/11/12 18:26:10|   Completed Validation Procedure
2004/11/12 18:26:10|   Validated 43713 Entries
2004/11/12 18:26:10|   store_swap_size = 460796k
2004/11/12 18:26:10| storeLateRelease: released 0 objects

Best regards,
 Jafar Aliev <admin at usn dot ru> administrator

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