Yong Bong Fong wrote:

>    I am having trouble getting pass a login prompt. It just keep giving
> me ERR.

Then the LDAP settings you are telling the program to use are probably

> Somewhere in the archive, i read that Henrik mentioned that we need to
> modifythe "squid_ldap_auth.c file. However I searched through the
> internet and read the instructions about setting up squid_ldap_auth
> hardly anyone mentioned about "squid_ldap_auth.c".

It is included in the Squid sources, somewhere under the "helpers" directory
(I don't have a Squid source tree handy to check the exact location).

> I am wondering if my login failure is because I missed that part to deal
> with "squid_ldap_auth.c" ?

Probably not.

> I can bind and search users with ldapsearch without problem, just cannot
> get pass the login prompt after typing in login name and password.

So you can bind with ldapsearch, but giving the same parameters to
squid_ldap_auth fails? Could you post the commands and output from your
shell showing this?


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