Lucia Di Occhi wrote:

> Is it really worth using ReiserFS?  I mean do you really get all that
> performance improvement over ext3?

Yes - ReiserFS is much better than ext3 at handling large numbers of small
files, which is a similar usage pattern to a Squid cache_dir.

>>Do not use RAID.
> Do you mean SOFTWARE RAID?  Hardware striping will definately improve
> performance.

Not any more than using multiple cache_dirs, one per disk. One added
drawback to RAID-0 is that a loss of one disk in the stripe loses the data
in the entire stripe, whereas with multiple cache_dirs you only lose that
one cache_dir's data.

>>make sure your Cache vs. RAM is optimum
>>~10MB Ram per 1GB Cache
> Where does this formula come from?

>From the FAQ:


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