On Sat, 11 Dec 2004, [gb2312] 蒋 志坚 wrote:

compression occur in squid or Server. HTTP/1.0 surport the Content-Encoding and Accept-Encoding, when Browser is HTTP/1.0, why squid does not cache the compressed file to save disk space.

Squid caches Content-Encoding when allowed by the origin server just like any other HTTP reply, but most origin servers deny caching of Content-Encoding in response to HTTP/1.0 clients. This primarily due to HTTP/1.0 not having official support for server side content negotiation in cooperation with shared caches. Caching of this type of replies requires at a minimum Vary support, perferably ETag as well, but HTTP/1.0 does not guarantee this even if Squid has the minimum support required.

Sidenote: Transfer-Encoding is HTTP/1.1 dependent, and generally a lot cleaner than Content-Encoding.


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