On Thu, 16 Dec 2004, Tilmann Haug wrote:

We recorded the network traffic and had strange findings: The applet tries to connect to port 65535 instead of port 80.


What does the proxy access logs say?

Now the question is:
How can squid influence the behavior of the two applets?

It can't, but depending on how the applet has been written it may get confused if the browser is configured to use a proxy.

What do the developpers have to change in the applet to avoid caching problems with squid?

Only use the basic http primitives which relies on the browser http implementation, not some Java http implementation ontop of the Java TCP direct network connections.

What are the importend config directions to make sure the applets are not chached (for both squid and the application)?

applets are just http objects like any other. If your server has applets which change such frequently that caching is not adviseable then you should include the proper cache headers on your server. See "Caching Tutorial for Web Authors and Webmasters" and/or "The Cacheability Engine".

What relation between the request of port 65535 can there be in relation to squid?

Port 65535 is the same as port -1. -1 is sometimes used in applications to represent "failed to understand the value".

As far as I know Squid never uses -1 as the port number if it fails to understand the requested port number but instead completely rejects such malformed requests. I don't see any relation to Squid as such.


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