Hi Henrik.

> So your real question is if it is possible to determine with the help of
> Squid if this employee is uploading confidential information to a third
> party web site.

No ! My REAL (and original) question is if it is possible to grab user and
password from an url.
Sorry, but I heat when one change my question because "I'm sure you intend
this question and not the original one you made".
I am a consultant, my customer wanna know user and password for the virtual
hard drive and I have to give it him. Stop.
We already know the employee is uploading confidential information to the

> >From the Squid logs you can easily tell what web sites the user is
> visiting, and how often.

Already done! This is the way I discovered the abnormal traffic.

> If you think this is being done and is done in good faith then the best
> action is to simply ask the employee if he is doing this or if he is aware
> what the implications of doing so would be.

Not technical and/or squid matters. I'm not payed for asking employees, I'm
payed for discover the password.

> Generally speaking, if the web site is https based then all you can see is
> the amount of traffic going in both directions, but if it is http based
> then everything can be seen (just dump the network traffic and analyze
> it). This is not directly related to Squid but any Internet usage.

Already done! HTTPS. Traffic confirm our suspect. We need user/password,
remember ? :-)

> In an ethical point of view stealing the users personal login details to
> this third party web site by analyzing his traffic is very dubious in my
> view, and probably illegal in many countries.

My customer knows all. He pays me for technical things and he will pay
lawers for them things.

>You surely should be able to
> make up better approaches in proving/disproving the claims of
> Internet connection abuse.

Already done with a HW keylogger (fantastic toy !).

Sorry again If i was acid in this mail.

Bye from Italy and Happy 2005 !!!

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