My very first attempt with Squid was halfway a success and failure;),
When I try to open a www page, I get the following error:

The requested URL could not be retrieved
While trying to retrieve the URL: http://www.amazon.de/
The following error was encountered:
• Forwarding Denied.
This cache will not forward your request because it is trying to enforce a sibling relationship. Perhaps the client at is a cache which has been misconfigured.

If someone would be so nice to have a look at my config file to help me with the first start, it would be nice.

Squid runs on a linux host with Firewall and DSL (PPPoE) connection which gets its IP by DHCP.
It has 3 Nics, one for the PPPoE, a second for an internal subnet which has an additional NAT Router in between
and a third nic for the DMZ but on this subnet I get a simple timeout when opening a www page.

I would be glad if I could get at least my non-DMZ subnet connected to the internet, the DMZ subnet then will be similar. Later on I will try to configure squid as reverse proxy, becourse I have a pgsql database on the internet which I wasn't able to secure by chrooting so a reverse proxying squid would help me preventing keeping intrusion attempts out.

So my network looks like this:
Workstation -- ( ( -- ( -- DSL

I paste the Network section of my config file:

Thank you very much for any help!

# ------------------------------------------------------------------------ -----

#  TAG: http_port
#       Usage:  port
#               hostname:port
# http_port
# http_port
http_port 3128

# TAG: https_port
# Usage: [ip:]port cert=certificate.pem [key=key.pem] [options...]
# none

#  TAG: ssl_unclean_shutdown
ssl_unclean_shutdown off

#  TAG: icp_port
# icp_port 3130
icp_port 0

#  TAG: htcp_port
# Note: This option is only available if Squid is rebuilt with the
#       --enable-htcp option
# htcp_port 4827

#  TAG: mcast_groups
#       Usage: mcast_groups
#       By default, Squid doesn't listen on any multicast groups.
# none

#  TAG: udp_incoming_address
#  TAG: udp_outgoing_address
#       udp_incoming_address    is used for the ICP socket receiving packets
#                               from other caches.
#       udp_outgoing_address    is used for ICP packets sent out to other
#                               caches.
# udp_incoming_address
# udp_outgoing_address

# ------------------------------------------------------------------------ -----

#  TAG: cache_peer
# none

#  TAG: cache_peer_domain
# none

#  TAG: neighbor_type_domain
#       usage: neighbor_type_domain neighbor parent|sibling domain domain ...
# none

#  TAG: icp_query_timeout       (msec)
icp_query_timeout 0

#  TAG: maximum_icp_query_timeout       (msec)
maximum_icp_query_timeout 2000

#  TAG: mcast_icp_query_timeout (msec)
mcast_icp_query_timeout 2000

#  TAG: dead_peer_timeout       (seconds)
dead_peer_timeout 10 seconds

#  TAG: hierarchy_stoplist
#We recommend you to use at least the following line.
hierarchy_stoplist cgi-bin ?

#  TAG: no_cache
#       You must use the word 'DENY' to indicate the ACL names which should
#       NOT be cached.
#We recommend you to use the following two lines.
acl QUERY urlpath_regex cgi-bin \?
no_cache deny QUERY

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