> -----Original Message-----
> From: Davide Marzaloni [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Sent: Monday, January 10, 2005 10:52 PM
> To: squid-users@squid-cache.org
> Subject: [squid-users] Squid, sarg and incorrect shutdown
> Hi everyone.
> I'm experiencing a recently-discovered problem with my setup:
> - Slackware 1.0
> - kernel 2.4.26
> - squid-2.5.STABLE6-20040907
> - ncsa_auth authentication squid module
> - sarg-1.4.1
> Every night at 2:00AM the following script is started by cron:

> The 'killall squid' command took some time to complete, but it seems to be
> correctly completed within the sleep-time.

I have an older RedHat box running Squid with a reliable stop method:

        while ps auxwwww | grep '^squid' >& /dev/null ; do
                killall squid >& /dev/null
                sleep 1
                tries=`expr $tries + 1`
                if [ $tries -gt "45" ] ; then
                        killall -9 squid >& /dev/null

For those that don't read shell script, it tells squid to shut down, waits
45 seconds (enough time for connections to close) and then (if it hasn't
shut down on its own) kills it.  Works quite well, is reliable, and won't
take more time then it needs.

> Furthermore I noticed the squid-logs_xxxxxxx-tgz file is very small, like
> logs were correctly saved by the squid process, for 6 days (the same
> within I experienced the 'no running copy' message !!!!)
> Tonight this script has worked perfectly (I will check next nights), but
> worried about this 'pre-problem signal': is there anyone experiencing the
> same problem (incorrect shutdown) and found a solution?

Out of curiosity, why aren't you using the squid -k rotate?  Then you can
move all files with a ".0" extension to another directory and compress them
there.  That way you would be certain not to remove things like the swap.log
or pid file.  *shrug*

> Bye
> Davide


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