> I've installed a SuSE  9.1, but the squid doesn't work.
> When I start it (from runlevel editor in yast or with rcsquid start) 
> it sends the following error:
> +Starting WWW-proxy squid  
> (/var/cache/squid)/usr/sbin/rcsquid: line 135:
> 13915 Aborted                 $SQUID_BIN -z -F >/dev/null 2>&1
>  - Could not create cache_dir !
> failed
> I've controlled the permissions of the folders /var/log/squid and 
> /var/cache/squid that are the same of others 9.1 installations I've 
> done, I've tried to delete those folders (created during the 
> installation) but it can't recreate them.
> I've also tried to install squid 3 beta, same problem...

 - Checkout the user (and group) Squid is intended to run as in squid.conf.
   Check whether this user has appropriate access w.r.t to the cache 


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