On Sun, Jul 10, 2005 at 02:04:36PM +0800, Jeffrey Ng wrote:
> Hi, I have problem with squid web accelerator on my site. My site is a
> photo sharing site like webshots. It has a pretty busy load, so I
> decided that squid may be able to sooth the load of my image server by
> caching some of the images. We have set everything up and it uses 1GB
> RAM. It was fine at first. But suddenly all the images stopped loading
> after 6 hours. I checked netstat and found that there are 1000
> connections from outside. and squid stops responding whenever the
> connections hit that number. I am pretty sure that squid has a
> concurrent connection limit of 1000. How could I increase that limit?
> Any help is appreaciated. Thank you!

Sounds like you're running out of filedescriptors.
See http://www.squid-cache.org/Doc/FAQ/FAQ-11.html#ss11.4

- Joshua.

Joshua Goodall                           "as modern as tomorrow afternoon"
[EMAIL PROTECTED]                                       - FW109

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